Hello out there.
This is for the moment something of an experiment as this is my first attempt at creating a blog, so polished it ain’t but hopefully it will get better over time.
Like many people I’m concerned about the state of our planet. It would seem that those of us in the west need to make some significant changes to our lifestyles to try and stop catastrophic damage to our world. Some reports talk of global warming wiping out whole countries and creating hundreds of millions of refugees. Something needs to be done. Someone needs to do something.
Then it occurred to me, here I sit in the UK in one of the world’s wealthiest countries. I have a well paid job, and a nice home. If I can’t change my lifestyle for the better, then who can be expected to?
So over the coming months I’m going to be logging some of the changes that I’ve made. Some are quite big, and others are quite small, but among them there will be something that everyone can do, because even the longest journey is made one step at a time.
Well here we are almost 10 years into this, although there have been vast gaps.
Reading my initial post I don’t think that I’ve lived up to what I proposed. I haven’t been talking about the things that almost anyone can do. I haven’t talked about recycling, composting, wormeries, or even just drying your clothes on a washing line or airer rather than putting them in a tumble dryer (although we have done all those things). Rather, as an engineer with a professional interest in cars, I have tended to look at bigger ticket items. Lots of people buy cars, why not make the next one electric? Solar PV is costly but can earn a handsome return in long term (as well as being green) compared to 1.5% interest that you might get at a bank.